Privacy Policy
Karaoke Gig Forum - Privacy Policy
To begin with, the Privacy Policy on the Karaoke Gig Network applies to all the websites we operate.
So, if you wish to see the entire Privacy Policy for our network, click here.
However, it is slightly long and we don't intend to write it out across the entire network.
Therefore, we shall highlight the main points here.
01) We will never, under any circumstances, willingly share your details with any third party unless it is with your express wishes.
02) Our website, like most others, uses cookies, of course. In short, you won't get all the benefits from our website unless you accept them. For more information about our cookies, obviously, go to the full privacy policy on our mother site.
Generally speaking, there are many other safety aspects to surfing the web. However, we always ask our visitors if they wish to continue using our site by accepting our cookies. Since we are experienced in what we do, you can have faith in our websites and staff.
Of course, we always put the safety of our visitors first. In other words, our visitors and members come above everything else. With this in mind, stay with us and come back regularly.
To begin with, the Privacy Policy on the Karaoke Gig Network applies to all the websites we operate.
So, if you wish to see the entire Privacy Policy for our network, click here.
However, it is slightly long and we don't intend to write it out across the entire network.
Therefore, we shall highlight the main points here.
01) We will never, under any circumstances, willingly share your details with any third party unless it is with your express wishes.
02) Our website, like most others, uses cookies, of course. In short, you won't get all the benefits from our website unless you accept them. For more information about our cookies, obviously, go to the full privacy policy on our mother site.
Generally speaking, there are many other safety aspects to surfing the web. However, we always ask our visitors if they wish to continue using our site by accepting our cookies. Since we are experienced in what we do, you can have faith in our websites and staff.
Of course, we always put the safety of our visitors first. In other words, our visitors and members come above everything else. With this in mind, stay with us and come back regularly.