Contact Karaoke Gig.

Contact Us

We are a friendly bunch here at Karaoke Gig, so talk to us if you need to. However, please read the information below before you contact us.

There are many ways to talk to us, including the simple form above.

Of course, you may contact us about anything relevant to our Karaoke Gig Network. For example, if you find that our website needs a correction, tell us, and we will correct it. Likewise, if you have a general enquiry, use the above form.

Most of the information that you need is already on our website. So, please ensure that you search the website first before you use the contact form. Indeed, if the information is already available on site, our staff may not prioritise the enquiry. Above all, please allow us a little time to reply in all cases.

Obviously, if you have problems with the above form, try contacting us at our Karaoke Gig forum. Since most of what you need to know is already on the website, please make good use of the forum. In other words, you’ll hardly need to speak to the staff here. But, if you do, we are available.

Due to spambots and other disruptive communications, we may not reply if we think your emails are not relevant. So, the following list should help you decide whether to use the contact form or the forum:

Contact us if:

  • You are a member and are having problems logging in.
  • You need the code to join the forum.
  • If you think that a karaoke gig or party night out advertisement is wrong or has a bad link, of course we will act on that.
  • Perhaps you have something to offer that can improve our website; we are open to all suggestions.
  • Our website may have an odd mistake like spelling or grammar; in this case, we welcome your emails to correct matters.

Don’t contact us if:

  • Your email is not relevant to our website, forum, or network in general.
  • To ask for free membership because we don’t offer those.
  • You want free admissions in the karaoke gig directory because that is not possible without membership status.
Talk to us.
Of course we can hear you, love!